Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
Ethnic Music


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Music and Speech


The Superiority of Music
over the Language of Today

Fundamental Research

The Organ of Speech

The Smithy of Thought

Sovereignty over Bound and Free Creativity

The Dimension of
Creative Unfoldment

Control over the World
of Thinking

Content and Form,
Meaning and Structure

The Share of the
Senses of Perception
in the Process of
Gaining Knowledge

The Language of Music

How Our Ancestors
Used Language

Conclusions from the
Ancient Records

The Legacy of
Our Ancestors

The Task Set by
Our Ancestors


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  Music and Speech
The Language of Music

It is easy to imag­ine that, by ap­ply­ing a spe­cial tech­nol­ogy for the sys­tem­atic in­ner and outer re­fine­ment of the proc­ess of ar­ticu­la­tion, and thereby for the true for­ma­tion of speech, such a highly de­vel­oped abil­ity of lin­guis­tic ex­pres­sion will be cul­ti­vated in the near fu­ture and on a broad basis that speech will have an ef­fect as pro­found as only mu­sic has to­day, and will appear to man as pure mu­sic.

The Potential of Refinement of Speech
For this, speech must be con­ceived and mas­tered on the level of the unity of mean­ing and form. Then, speech and mu­sic would be uni­fied through this in­ner re­ali­za­tion, and this would be the heyday of the mu­si­cal art­ists.

Speech on the Level of the Unity of Meaning and Form
The mi­cro­cosm of speech, as well as of mu­sic, would be gen­er­ally rec­og­nized as unity, and the mac­ro­cosm of speech and mu­sic would natu­rally re­flect this unity in the world of sing­ing and in­stru­men­tal per­form­ance.

The Heyday of the Musical Artists
Here, an in­ves­ti­ga­tion into the heri­tage of our speech is worth­while.
Let us there­fore delve into our an­ces­tor’s knowl­edge of speech.

Our Linguistic Heritage
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
