Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
Educational Music


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The Inner Mechanics of
Creating Music

The Dimension of Music

The Beginning and End of
Creating Music

The Natural Seatof the
Musical Creator

Control over the

The Free, Inner,
Formative Will

The Emperor of Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  The Inner Mechanics of Creating Music
The Free, Inner, Formative Will

The free, in­ner, for­ma­tive will con­sists of:
  1. the free will for crea­tiv­ity
  2. the po­ten­tial of tam­ing the har­nessed flow of
    crea­tiv­ity to make it uni­ver­sally com­pre­hen­si­ble.

The Free Will for Creative Musical Achievements
With the aid of the free for­ma­tive will, which is rooted in the self-aware­ness, the feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing are put into func­tion so that to­gether they forge the com­po­si­tion on the level of the mind: for the joy of the self of the com­poser, and as a nour­ish­ment for the self of the lis­tener, to bring him hap­pi­ness.

Feeling and Understanding in Musical Function
The skill of the free sov­er­eignty over the free crea­tiv­ity is the abil­ity to clad time­less truth into the gar­ments of time, and in its time­less­ness make it ac­ces­si­ble again to the con­tem­po­rary lis­tener.

Timeless Truth in the Course of Time
By sys­tem­ati­cally cul­tur­ing their free in­ner for­ma­tive will, step-by-step the com­poser and the mu­si­cian are ap­pointed to their mu­si­cal-ar­tis­tic task.
There­fore the free in­ner for­ma­tive will of the true mu­si­cian also exerts a strong in­flu­ence on his per­sonal life, on his in­di­vid­ual path through life.

The Pioneer of the Musician
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
