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The Inner Mechanics of
Creating Music

The Dimension of Music

The Beginning and End of
Creating Music

The Natural Seatof the
Musical Creator

Control over the

The Free, Inner,
Formative Will

The Emperor of Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  The Inner Mechanics of Creating Music
“Talent works, gen­ius cre­ates.”

Robert Schu­mann

The Dimension of Music

The en­tire field of mu­sic can be fully com­pre­hended in terms of the in­ner-men­tal mu­si­cal re­al­ity: the ori­gin of mu­sic and its course of evo­lu­tion up to its fi­nal stage, the ob­jec­tive sphere of mu­sic – up to the mu­si­cal sound space, up to that world in which mu­sic sounds.

The Inner-Mental Reality of Music
“You will ask, where I take these ideas from ?

I can­not say that with cer­tainty;
they come with­out be­ing called,
in­di­rectly, im­me­di­ately,
I could grasp them with my hands,
in the open coun­tryside, in the woods,
dur­ing walks,
in the si­lence of the night,
in the early hours of the morn­ing,
stimu­lated by moods
which are re­al­ised within the poet by words,
within me by tones, sound­ing,
roar­ing, storm­ing,
un­til fi­nally, they appear in front of me as notes.”


The fol­low­ing hu­man fac­ul­ties in­volved in the me­chan­ics of crea­tive mu­sic hear­ing re­quire a sys­tem­atic in­ves­ti­ga­tion and train­ing as pro­fes­sional dis­ci­plines:

The tech­nol­ogy of mas­tering the mind, of men­tal con­cen­tra­tion, in­clud­ing:
analy­sis of the sub­stance of the mind by means of the feel­ing
analy­sis of the struc­ture of the mind by means of the un­der­stand­ing
analy­sis of the func­tion of the mind by means of the co­or­di­na­tion of feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing.

The tech­nol­ogy of the in­ner sense of hear­ing. (The outer sense of hear­ing is not nec­es­sary for a crea­tive mu­sic hear­ing as the case of Beethoven shows.)

Creative Music Hearing
The fol­low­ing com­po­nents be­long to the in­ner me­chan­ics of cre­at­ing mu­sic:

The Inner Mechanics of Creating Music
It is the self-aware­ness of the mu­si­cal crea­tor which com­mis­sions a com­po­si­tion from the in­tel­lect and which through the sense of hear­ing again lis­tens to the com­po­si­tion as it is per­formed by the mind as the in­stru­ment.

Pri­mar­ily, the com­mis­sioning of the mu­si­cal work arises from the very own joy of the self, as an in­no­cent ex­pres­sion of its natu­ral hap­pi­ness of life; with­out any effort of will, with­out any fixed pur­pose, with­out any spe­cific mo­ti­va­tion, just like a child re­joic­ing.
Fur­ther­more, the mu­si­cal work serves to enrich the in­her­ent, natu­ral joy of life of the self. This is achieved by the self, con­trol­ling the me­chan­ics of the in­tel­lect, the mind, and the sense of hear­ing rooted within it.

Like a feeler, the sense of hear­ing pal­pates the vi­brat­ing sur­face-struc­ture of the mind and thus elic­its the re­sound­ing event. Through this proc­ess of lis­ten­ing, the self-aware­ness re­ceives the im­pres­sion of the re­sound­ing per­form­ance. And from this mu­si­cal “re­hearsal” it ex­peri­ences an extra, outer joy in ad­di­tion to its own in­her­ent hap­pi­ness.

The Mechanics of the Inner Musical “Rehearsal”
With its main tool, the de­ci­sion-mak­ing fac­ulty of the in­tel­lect, the self-aware­ness car­ries out those mu­si­cal cor­rec­tions which are meant to en­hance its joy when lis­ten­ing to the mu­sic the next time.

Enhancing of the Musical Achievement
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
