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Micro Music Laboratories®
Ethnic Music


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Scientific Fundamentals of
Music Aesthetics

The Image of
Musical Beauty

The Embodiments
of Harmony

Motivation and Responsibility of the

Reversal of the Reality
of Creating Music

Analysis of the Process
of Creating Music

Music Theory

The Natural Potential
of the True Artist

Synthesis of the
Artistic and Cultural
Achievement of Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  Scientific Fundamentals of Music Aesthetics
The Image of Musical Beauty

When the three sphe­res of or­gani­za­tion – the motif-tech­nique, the se­quence-tech­nique, and the har­mony-tech­nique – exe­cute their full in­di­vid­ual sov­er­eignty over their re­spec­tive worlds, the fas­ci­na­tion of the outer lively fig­ures of mo­tifs and se­quences arises.

Scientific Fundamentals of Music Aesthetics
If, how­ever, the three cus­to­di­ans of law, the motif tech­nique, the se­quence tech­nique, and the har­mony tech­nique, gov­ern the mu­si­cal events in com­plete un­ion from the level of har­mony, the very image of beauty in mu­sic arises within the lis­tener.

The prin­ci­ples of per­fect beauty in mu­sic de­velop only from the com­plete un­ion of the ruling forces in mu­sic; thus, beauty re­veals it­self as the ex­pres­sion of in­te­gra­tion it­self – as the stan­dard of per­fect co­or­di­na­tion, and the field of mu­sic aes­thetics, we find, is the sci­ence of the laws of co­or­di­na­tion.

The Science of the Laws of Coordination in Music
The stronger the unity of the ruling mu­si­cal pa­rame­ters is real­ized and the higher the in­te­gra­tion of the pa­rame­ter lev­els con­trolled, the clearer the in­fi­nite beauty of mu­sic re­veals it­self.

The Level of Realization of Musical Beauty
The har­mony-tech­nique is the world of the in­ner­most and most com­pre­hen­sive laws of the mu­si­cal event. The se­quence ap­plies these laws in the so­cial or­ders of mu­sic. It in­spires and guides the in­di­vid­ual mo­tifs ac­cord­ing to these laws.

The Coordination of Harmony-Technique and Sequence
Within the har­mony all laws are united: the com­pre­hen­sive laws of the har­mony-tech­nique, as well as the less com­pre­hen­sive laws of the se­quence-tech­nique, and the even less com­pre­hen­sive laws of the melody-tech­nique and of the motif-tech­nique.

The Unified Field of all Musical Laws
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
