Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
Educational Music


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The Force-Fields in Music

The Musical Performers
and Their Laws

The Motif

The Masculine and the Feminine Musical Motif

Training the Free
Formative Will



Power and
Powerlessness of
Musical Interpretation

Scenes from the
Inner World
of Human Evolution

Integration of Levels
of Creativity

The Differentiated
Apprehension of the
Power of the Harmony

The Perfection of the
Formative Forces in Music

The Melody

The Manifold Shape
of the Melody

The Path of the Human Character in the
Musical Form

The Sequence in Music

The Gate of Harmony
to the Outer Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  The Force-Fields in Music
The Gate of Harmony to the
Outer Music

While har­mony is the field of pure, hu­man, mu­si­cal knowl­edge with­out di­men­sion in space and time, the har­mony-tech­nique is the gate be­tween the har­mony and the outer mu­sic – the tran­si­tion from the state of be­ing aware in one­self, to the proc­ess of be­com­ing aware of a mu­si­cal event.

The Harmony-Technique
For the mu­si­cal sound-space, the in­ti­mate con­nec­tion with the har­mony-tech­nique is its di­rect junc­tion with the past, pre­sent, and fu­ture; be­cause in per­fect in­te­gra­tion the har­mony-tech­nique com­prises all the laws by which the mu­si­cal sound-space is struc­tured.

The Gate to the Musical Past, Present and Future
On a level of or­der much higher than the motif-tech­nique, and on a level of or­der higher than even the se­quence-tech­nique, the har­mony tech­nique thus opens, in the “Now” of the pre­sent mu­si­cal event, the gate to the mu­sic that just faded and to that which is yet to come.

Through the laws of the har­mony-tech­nique, the whole com­po­si­tion is held to­gether by means of the ap­plied har­mony-tech­nique.

The Will of the Harmony for Musical Sovereignty
The har­mony-tech­nique is the har­mony’s will for power in the world of mu­sic; it is the prac­ti­cal ap­proach to the in­te­gra­tive sov­er­eignty of har­mony over the in­ner and the outer mu­si­cal event.

The Secret Supreme Force-Field of Music
The har­mony-tech­nique is that se­cret field of high­est mu­si­cal power which sus­tains the sound­ing di­ver­sity of a mu­si­cal work in its well-or­gan­ized col­our­ful­ness of deep com­po­si­tional re­la­tions.

Mu­sic the­ory so far did not rec­og­nize this cen­tral po­si­tion of the har­mony-tech­nique; there­fore, it shifted into ho­moph­ony and came un­der the paralyzing in­flu­ence of ster­ile sounds – not to men­tion that mu­si­col­ogy did not apprehend the har­mony it­self, that uni­ver­sal basis of mu­sic which is be­yond sound, be­yond space and time, be­yond the world of tones, and yet com­pletely de­ter­mines the na­ture of the tone and the en­tire mu­si­cal work from within.

The Universal Basis of all Music
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
