Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
Educational Music


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The Force-Fields in Music

The Musical Performers
and Their Laws

The Motif

The Masculine and the Feminine Musical Motif

Training the Free
Formative Will



Power and
Powerlessness of
Musical Interpretation

Scenes from the
Inner World
of Human Evolution

Integration of Levels
of Creativity

The Differentiated
Apprehension of the
Power of the Harmony

The Perfection of the
Formative Forces in Music

The Melody

The Manifold Shape
of the Melody

The Path of the Human Character in the
Musical Form

The Sequence in Music

The Gate of Harmony
to the Outer Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  The Force-Fields in Music
Motif Technique

The natu­ral and well-de­signed ap­pli­ca­tion of quali­ties of the hu­man char­ac­ter in the gar­ment of mu­sic is called motif-tech­nique. Thereby, in­ner crea­tiv­ity is the prac­ti­cal mecha­nism through which the com­poser pro­jects his in­ner cog­ni­tion in the out­ward di­rec­tion and trans­forms it into the au­di­ble ex­peri­ence.

The System of Inner Creativity
When the mu­si­cal crea­tor is aware of this proc­ess in de­tail, and when he real­izes the hu­man fac­ul­ties as the unity of his in­ner cog­ni­tion, his in­ner ex­peri­ence, and in­ner hear­ing, then this art is called “motif-tech­nique” in clas­si­cal com­po­si­tion.

Classical Motif-Technique
The range of in­flu­ence of the motif-tech­nique is the battlefield of the in­ner-hu­man driv­ing forces: the quali­ties of the com­poser, the quali­ties of the lis­tener, and the quali­ties of man in gen­eral.

The Battlefield of the Innermost Human-Qualities
The deep in­flu­ence of clas­si­cal mu­sic is ex­plained by the mas­terful han­dling of that field of ex­peri­ence of our in­ner­most, in­di­vid­ual ex­is­tence which con­sti­tutes our true life and which re­veals it­self to the lis­tener in the com­po­si­tion.

The Influence of Classical Music
Thus, the motif-tech­nique is the mean­ing­ful han­dling – ac­cord­ing to its own in­her­ent laws – of our in­ner­most im­pulses of life, of those ele­ments which are closer to life than the en­tire outer world of phe­no­mena.

The Musical Handling of the Forces of Life
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
