Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
About the Classical Composer and Musicologist Peter Huebner &
the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® |
Spontaneous Subjective Comments
from Researchers
Prof. Dr. med. G. Gerassimowitsch
President of the Belorussian Russian Society
for Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Head of
the Faculty for Gynaecology and Obstetrics
at the Medical University in Minsk
“Medical Resonance Therapy Music®
brings life into reality.”
Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko
Lecturer in Gynaecology at the Medical University in Minsk
and doctor in the gynaecology unit at the hospital in Minsk
“Medical Resonance Therapy Music®
does not only help to cure the soul of man
but also his body.”
Dr. med. Tatjana Teterkina
Doctor in the neurosurgery laboratory
at the Medical University in Minsk
“Once such a music sounds within us
and around us
one can also hope for a better future
for our children too.”
Dr. med. Swetlana Scheleg
Doctor in the delivery unit at the hospital in Minsk
“For me Peter Huebner’s music mirrors
the richness of human thought
and the beauty of nature.”