Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Research Fields in Detail

Vital Energy

Healing-Inducing Effects

Faster Recovery – Miscarriage

Faster Recovery –

Faster Reduction of
Blood Pressure

Faster Breakdown of the Protein Content

Faster Insulin Process Stabilisation

Normalisation of the Menstruation Cycle

Dissolution of Clinical
Risk Parameters

Reduction of
Anodyne Drugs

Prolonged Effect of
Anodyne Drugs

Reduction of Medication

Reduction of Pain

Abstinence from Tranquilizers

Pain Treatment

Increased Strength – Uterine Contractions

Improved Immune Status

Stimulation of too
low Hormone Levels

Slowing Heart Rate

Release of Stress

Reduction of Headaches

Stimulation of Imagination

Reducing Dizziness

Severe Dizziness

Improved Auditory Memory

Psychomotoric Speed

Improved Visual-Motoric

Reaction Precision

Improved Visual
Short-Term Memory

Improved Concentration

Improved Learning Ability



Improved Immune Status in Children with Hearing
Abnormalities and Suffering from Radiation Sickness
Under investigation were 44 children with ra­dia­tion sickness at the age of 4-14 years with pathologies of the ear – developed from sup­pu­ra­tive otitis media, chronic secretory otitis media as well as tubal disorders and chronic exsudative otitis media.

The children were treated with MRT-Music® for 8-12 days, each day 1 or 2 times per cd and headphones. Listening time was not limited and depended on the wish of the children.

For the children below six years of age the treatment time averaged 30 minutes, most of the children at the age 13 / 14 years wanted to listen to the whole piece (70 minutes). Next to the treatment with MRT-Music® the children received different vitamin b's, spasmolytica, disinfecting preparations and biostimulators.

Before the treatment the immunogram of the children showed humoral disorders. Two weeks after the treatment the immunogram of 25% of the patients was normal.
Normalization regarded the AMG-factor, cel­lu­lar immunity and the t- and b-lymphocytes. In the rest of the patients immune status im­proved clearly.



Dr. med. Elena Merkulowa