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Micro Music Laboratories®



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The Secret Exchange
of Experiences
of the Listener
with the Creative Form
of the Music Creator

The Great Musical

The Father of the
World-Creators in Music

The Technique of
Conveying Truth in Music

The Fires of Cognition
of Music

Step by Step the Social Awareness Awakens
 in the Listener

Knowing Unity in Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




Theoretical Fundamentals
The Great Musical Turning-Point

The fact that the mu­si­cal crea­tion, as it sounds out­side, stimu­lates the mu­sic lis­tener’s mind to reverberate, is now but an ob­jec­tive proc­ess to the mu­sic lis­tener, which takes place all by it­self.

Objectivity of the Outer Gaining Knowledge in Music
How­ever, what the mu­sic lis­tener reg­is­ters most with his alert at­ten­tion is not so much the ele­ment of sound in his mind, but the power of his in­ner form­ing fac­ulty.
And now he feels him­self to be the crea­tor of the mu­si­cal poetry, of the poetry of his life, of the en­tire crea­tion even.

This up­surge of an in­ner feel­ing of power puts the mu­sic lis­tener sub­jec­tively – out of his in­ner­most knowl­edge – in the situa­tion of a crea­tor, and leaves him less dis­tinctly in the po­si­tion of a lis­tener.
And while be­fore his lis­ten­ing domi­nated, now it is his cre­at­ing that grows in im­por­tance.

This to­tal mu­si­cal ex­peri­ence is the very per­sonal se­cret of an in­di­vid­ual mu­sic lis­tener in this par­ticu­lar phase of knowl­edge, and in this moment he knows only him­self and his own crea­tion, mov­ing so har­mo­ni­ously in such mul­ti­fari­ous ways.
The outer mu­si­cal world, then, is of no sig­nifi­cance any longer, nor has it any in­flu­ence on him any more.

Musical Cognition of the Almighty Power of Creation
Through­out his na­ture the crea­tive mu­sic lis­tener feels him­self a free and crea­tive man, godlike.
Now he is a pow­er­ful ruler over his en­tire sound­ing sur­round­ings; for, in a free flow of thoughts he cre­ates them, sus­tains them, and lets them decay – at his own dis­cre­tion, just for his own joy, and as the natu­ral emanation of his very own, newly-gained, in­ner­most joy of life.

Im­meas­ur­able worlds of mu­sic he now raises play­fully be­fore his wit­nessing mind.
In the ma­te­rial sphe­res of his sound-space the motif-spaces, and within them the crea­tures, come into be­ing and step into the light of his own in­ner world-day.

Birth of the True Creator of Music
And be­ing their crea­tor, he wel­comes them as his chil­dren and fills them with new life again and again.
Here, the new­born mu­sic crea­tor is a kind fa­ther and ruler over the world of his chil­dren – but also their loving mother; or he puts him­self in the place of all the crea­tures cre­ated by him and thus ex­peri­ences the mul­ti­plic­ity of their ac­tiv­ity in unity.

On the level of the har­mony he cre­ates the world as a whole with the al­mighty force of his in­ner­most for­ma­tive power.
And sud­denly he feels him­self the per­sonal fa­ther of the whole world.

The World as Unity in Music
 With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
